Peeling good. Bright sunbeams, serene tangerines, and that laidback weekend vibe. Dip your toes in the water and say it with us, """"ahhh."""" Made with 100% pure cannabis oil in a perfectly blended mixture to ensure accurate dosing and consistency. Perfect for laidback afternoons and unwinding on the couch.
Featuring a precision-dosed confection collection with yummy flavors, delicious effects and FDA-approved ingredients, you can trust incredibles to be the credible edible.
Potential effects: Promotes general relaxation, unwinding
Serving size: Standard serving is a single gummy (10mg THC and 20mg CBD). Bag contains ten gummies for a total of 100mg THC and 200mg CBD.
Onset & duration: Onset may take up to 2 hours. Duration can last up to 3+ hours. Effects vary by individual. Estimates are based on a standard serving.